Older Posts

If you are in Delhi, be Prepared for Higher Electricity Bills from This Month | Sep 2017

The Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission has decided to add a new surcharge on the electricity bill starting September 1, due t....

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Why is a Proper Site Survey so Crucial for Rooftop Solar | Sep 2017

If you are contemplating going solar and have or are planning to choose MYSUN as your solarization partner, ....

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Here is How Installing Rooftop Solar System Can Benefit Your Business | Aug 2017

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Everything You Should Know Before Installing Solar System For Homes | Aug 2017

With falling solar power prices and increasing prices of electricity from the conventional sources of power, today, solar system f....

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Everything You Need to Know About Operations & Maintenance (O&M) For Residential Solar Rooftop PV System | Aug 2017

If you have been following MYSUN closely, we have often shared why going solar for a residential consumer is both economically via....

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India Files Petition for Initiation of Anti-Dumping Investigation Against China, Taiwan and Malaysia | Jul 2017

India's frosty relationship with China seems to be in a never ending circle of news and the latest chapter in the story comes from....

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Top 9 Things to Keep in Mind To Ensure You Get the Best Solar Modules When you Install Rooftop Solar | Jul 2017

Solar modules are the most important component of your solar PV system since this is where the incident sun rays are captured and ....

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Uttar Pradesh Set to Target 4.3GW of Rooftop Solar Installation as per the new Draft ‘UP Solar Power Policy 2017’: An Overview | Jul 2017

With the operating period of the current solar policy of Uttar Pradesh already having expired on March 31, 2017, the Uttar Pradesh....

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Announcements this Month that Could Impact the Growth of Installed Capacity of Solar in Tamil Nadu | Jun 2017

Despite being the state with the highest installed solar capacity of about 1.6GW with 529.15 MW being added in the year 2016/17,....

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Solar Robots That Are Making Lives of Humans Simpler | Jun 2017

Robots have been parts of our lives for decades now. If you have been following the narratives of the past year or so, it is widel....

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