Older Posts

China’s Latest Solar Powered Drone is Capable of Spending Months on End in the Air | Jun 2017

China has developed an unmanned solar powered drone which can stay in the air for months, if not years. The aircraft is called Cai....

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State Government is Redrafting its Solar Policy in a Bid to Push Solar in Goa | Jun 2017

The government of Goa is set to redraft its solar policy, to give a stronger push to its proposed target of generating 150MW elect....

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18% GST on Solar Cells and Modules; 5% GST on Solar Power Generating Systems | May 2017

The Goods and Services Tax, also known as GST, is hailed as one of the biggest tax reforms of India and is expected to have a majo....

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Why Should Every Resident of Gurgaon, Consider Going for a Rooftop Solar PV Plant? | May 2017

Gurgaon is the second largest district of Haryana. It has undergone rapid development and construction, especially in last five ye....

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How is Solar Energy Produced and What are the Different Types of Solar Systems? | May 2017

With over 300 sunny days in most locations throughout the year, India is an ideal country when it comes to solar energy.....

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Why Should Every Large or Small Industry Consider Rooftop Solar to Improve Profitability | Apr 2017

Industries constitute more than 45% of the electricity consumption in India. The landed electricity tariff for industries on an av....

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Going Solar in Haryana Will Be Even More Affordable: VAT Exempted from Solar Equipments | Apr 2017

Just days after it was reported that the Central Government will be providing customs and excise duty exemptions for rooftop solar....

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Customs and Excise Duty Benefits for Rooftop Solar Projects Available Now | Apr 2017

In a bid to encourage the growth of the rooftop solar projects, the Government has decided to offer customs duty and excise duty b....

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Underperforming Rooftop Solar Plants Risk Losing Subsidies: A Step in the Right Direction | Apr 2017

It is no secret that the timelines for subsidy driven rooftop solar projects are quite tight given that the installers or develope....

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Rooftop Solar Plant at the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport Gets Commissioned | Mar 2017

After the Cochin airport famously went 100% solar, Ahmedabad's Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport has joined the list ....

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