Innovators from all around the world have showcased some unimaginable applications of solar energy. From solar roofed bike lanes to solar paints, from solar-powered clothes to solar cars, the energy has been used by creative minds in unfathomable ways. This MYSUN blog series - interesting ways the world is using solar, is an attempt to give a stage to such incredible innovations and thereby spread awareness on the viability of solar energy.
Adding another innovation to the list, here is one more exciting application of solar energy right from the most premium technical institute of India: Solar-powered Pest Control System from IIT Kharagpur.
The Innovation: Solar Powered Pest Control System
Researchers at IIT Kharagpur have developed a self-driven high-performance pest controlling device. Powered by solar energy, the device has been built with the idea of helping marginal farmers spray pest controlling liquid chemicals in agricultural tracks. Packed with the ability to guide safely through the tracks the device is being said to reduce manual labour while providing uniformity in liquid spraying. Masterminding this innovation is Prof. Hifjur Raheman, Anup Behera Rahul K and Prof. P.B.S. Bhadoria.
How does this Solar Powered Pest Control System Work?
Built on a three-wheeler trolley, the solar-powered pest control system has been created with an assembly of a propelling unit, a liquid storage tank, a DC motor operated pump, spray nozzles, a solar-powered battery and a solar panel. The DC motor operated pump pressurizes the liquid to be spread, and multiple nozzles mounted on a boom help the system spray the liquid in a wider width at a time. The solar panel installed on the rooftop of the device creates and supplies the energy required to run and navigate the semi-automated system. An operator is needed to control the movement of the spraying units.
MYSUN’s Take on the Innovation
The development of this device is another testament to the utility of solar energy. It demonstrates how with a little innovation the energy from the sun can be applied to any appliance or technology that we need. The success of innovations like these goes to show the instrumental role solar energy can play in reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. It will be interesting to see how this idea scales up and is commercialized. We are sure there are many more innovations coming along the way which will transform the way we consume energy today.
Image Credit: https://kgpchronicle.iitkgp.ac.in/