The MYSUN Solar Calculator, India’s most popular online solar self-assessment tool, has helped millions of Indians evaluate their solar potential. Backed with AI technology, the calculator has enabled the power consumers of the country to pre-estimate their savings, investment and return on investment from solar as per their unique geographical location.
Having empowered consumers across categories- Residential, Commercial & Industrial with the ability to simulate their personalized solar benefits, the MYSUN solar calculator has today become an indispensable step in the solar journey of home and business owners in India.
This growing significance of the calculator is one of the key reasons why we continue to pay persistent attention to the calculator’s user experience and recently worked on improving it even further. Today, with the help of this blog we hope to bring forth the new upgrades and amazing features which entails all-new MYSUN Solar Calculator.
New Features of the MYSUN Solar Calculator
In addition to the already existing functionality which fetches you your solar savings, optimum system size, required investment, and return on investment, the new features added to the upgraded version of the MYSUN Solar Calculator can be grouped broadly in these three categories:
1.Complete New Interface for a Better User Experience
2. Exclusive Financing Fold for clear comparison of your Financing / Ownership Options
3. A Complementary detailed report for more flexible assessment
1. Complete New UI for a Better User Experience
User experience is critical for gaining affinity towards any product that we use. The upgraded MYSUN Solar Calculator therefore has an improved experience at the core of its build. The new MYSUN Solar Calculator brings several advanced personalization options giving the users a complete control of their solarization requirement. The upgraded version provides you a one-stop destination for all your solar calculations. The neat design groups and divides the features into separate folds making it easy for you to navigate through both - the technical and financial aspects of the output.
First Fold with Basic Features of the MYSUN Solar Calculator
While the first fold displays an easy to comprehend basic assessment of your solar potential, the second fold displays the advanced customizable features, making it easy for you to input the values as per their unique architectural requirement and check the impact of these adjustments on your energy generation, savings and returns from solar. For example, if your rooftop structure is sloping instead of flat, with the new calculator you can now check its impact on your system’s energy generation capacity and thereby your returns from solar. Based on this you can determine if you need to opt for a higher system size to meet your power requirements, given you have sufficient roof area and flexibility to increase the system size as per your sanctioned load and your state’s solar policy.
You can also check your precise solar potential by adjusting the sanctioned load, connection type i.e low tension/ high tension, net-metering preference, available roof area, solar energy consumption and shadow casting objects as per your specific requirement. You can even check your savings from solar as per the orientation of solar modules i.e. east, west, north or south facing. The new MYSUN solar calculator thus, gives you the ability to access your benefits from solar more accurately than before.
Second Fold with Advanced Features of the MYSUN Solar Calculator
2. An Exclusive Financing Fold for Solar Financing Comparisons
The improved MYSUN Solar calculator now carries an exclusive Financing fold to demonstrate the various financing options which you can opt for while going solar. In a well demonstrated comparison between CAPEX(Capital Expenditure), DPA(Deferred Payment Agreement) and PPA(Power Purchase Agreement) models of financing/buying solar, the financing fold illustrates the financial gains that you can be reaping or missing out on by choosing a particular solar financing option.
For example, if you are a commercial category power consumer from Delhi with an average monthly electricity bill of INR 1 Lakh, the calculator shows how your savings from solar will be the highest if you went solar under CAPEX model of buying solar than the DPA or PPA.
The financing fold also shows you the Payback period and the Equity IRR of your solar investment, thereby helping you compare and find your optimum solar financing/buying model as per your financial need/situation. For example, as shown by the calculator below, a commercial business unit from Delhi with an average electricity bill of INR 1 Lakh can expect to earn the payback from its solar investment in 1.9 years in case of CAPEX and 2.2 years in case of DPA. Post this timeframe, the business can enjoy electricity from solar virtually for free.
In addition to these, the financing fold also brings forth what often gets overlooked when choosing an optimum solar buying model, i.e the Levelized Cost of Power to you - the average per unit cost of energy which you will incur in each of these solar financing/buying models in the next 25 years of your solar journey. In the case of the above example, the levelized cost of power for a commercial set up in Delhi with INR 1 Lakh monthly power bill will be the lowest in case of CAPEX followed by DPA, PPA and then the grid electricity:
3. The Complimentary Detailed Report to give you more flexibility
While providing a detailed online assessment of your solar potential, the new MYSUN Solar calculator also allows you to take your initial assessment offline, thus, giving you the opportunity to document and discuss the assessment with your team and family. Generated by AI technology, the downloadable report-cum-proposal gives you a detailed overview of your benefits from solar along with the cost involved and the deliverables you can expect when you go solar with MYSUN. This makes it easy for you, especially if you are a business leader, to arrive at a more thought-through decision on how you should be proceeding with your solar system purchase. Being indicative in nature, you can connect with MYSUN Solar Advisors for a more accurate proposal.
Going solar is a one-time investment the benefits from which you will reap over a period of 25 years. To make the most from this investment, it is best to have a clear picture of where the investment will lead you or your organization. The upgraded MYSUN Solar Calculator makes it easy for you to figure out the same and know your returns from solar in a more quantifiable and appealing manner. Run the MYSUN Solar Calculator now and start your solar journey today.