MYSUNCalculatorTM is an online indicative tool to enable Users to calculate the financial impact of using solar energy solutions for their respective energy needs. This tool can be used by Users across various consumer categories e.g. Residential, Commercial or Industrial consumers. This tool is available in two different models – Basic and Advanced.
MYSUNCalculatorTM relies on advanced algorithms related to your locational co-ordinates, historical solar irradiation, electricity tariffs across-India and certain generic assumptions related to the electricity consumption pattern of Users, availability of area for solar installation, nearby shading, solar irradiation, availing of a bank loan to buy solar system, etc. You can edit and modify a lot of these assumptions for more accurate results. All the estimates, outputs and recommendations of this tool are based on these assumptions.
It is understood that the actual results may vary from User to User depending on the actual ground conditions specific to the User. It is also understood that any result obtained from the MYSUNCalculatorTM is also based on the inputs provided by You. MYSUNCalculatorTM may not take into account all of the variables that may affect the actual installation or output of the solar energy system at Your site. The conditions prevalent at the site may impact the actual result and/or installation. You are advised to get a detailed assessment and/or calculation before undertaking actual installation or any work/services related thereto.
MYSUN makes constant endeavors to collate and refer to a comprehensive and updated range of data and information (such as consumer tariff, regulatory orders, government policies, and other relevant information) related to energy services including solar related services in India. Therefore, the results of the MYSUNCalculatorTM may vary over time as the data may be updated and modified from time to time.
Notwithstanding the above, it should also be noted that due to the very nature of information, which is evolving on a continuous basis, it is impossible to guarantee that all the data used for the MYSUNCalculatorTM shall always be completely accurate and up to date.
MYSUN may also provide comparison of the potential savings and benefits that may be incurred as a result of the installation of energy systems with returns that may be obtained from investment products such as a fixed deposit or mutual fund for instance. Please note that any such comparison made is only for illustrative purposes, and cannot be taken as a representation made by MYSUN under any circumstances.
Further, MYSUN gives no warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability and completeness of any information, formulae or calculations provided through the use of the MYSUNCalculatorTM. You agree that any reliance placed by You on any result obtained from the MYSUNCalculatorTM is solely at Your own risk and MYSUN does not accept any liability for loss or damage of whatsoever nature, which may be attributable to the reliance on and use of the MYSUNCalculatorTM .
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